Admired by some and envied by others, the brilliant Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, present-day Croatia, 1856 - New York, 1943) is much more than one of the greatest inventors in history: he is the founder of modern technology, a key figure in the history of science. Today he is a popular icon, the paradigm of the brilliant inventor without any business acumen. It has been documented that, throughout his life, Tesla registered some 280 patents in 26 different countries, and it is suspected that there may be more that have not yet been identified. He is the father of the development of alternating current as a source of energy, of the induction motor and of wireless energy transmission, although his great competitor, Thomas Alva Edison (with whom he starred in the famous "war of the currents") and othercontemporaries took credit for some of his inventions. The essence of this unique character's discoveries and inventions lies in his ingenious solutions, his universal applications and the numerous scientific and technological advances he launched around the world. When Tesla was born, the world was powered by steam and physical force; when he died, it was powered by electricity. It is often said that Tesla invented the 20th century. He was not the only one, but his contributions were undoubtedly decisive.

Admired by some and envied by others, the brilliant Nikola Tesla (Smiljan, present-day Croatia, 1856 - New York, 1943) is much more than one of the greatest inventors in history: he is the founder of modern technology, a key figure in the history of science. Today he is a popular icon, the paradigm of the brilliant inventor without any business acumen.

It has been documented that, throughout his life, Tesla registered some 280 patents in 26 different countries, and it is suspected that there may be more that have not yet been identified. He is the father of the development of alternating current as a source of energy, of the induction motor and of wireless energy transmission, although his great competitor, Thomas Alva Edison (with whom he starred in the famous "war of the currents") and other
contemporaries took credit for some of his inventions.

The essence of this unique character's discoveries and inventions lies in his ingenious solutions, his universal applications and the numerous scientific and technological advances he launched around the world. When Tesla was born, the world was powered by steam and physical force; when he died, it was powered by electricity. It is often said that Tesla invented the 20th century. He was not the only one, but his contributions were undoubtedly decisive.

Additional information

Monday to Friday, from 12.30 to 14 h and from 17 to 21 h
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 11 a.m. to 14 h and from 17 to 21 h

Monday to Friday, at 19 h
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, at 12 and 19 h

Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 17 h, by appointment by calling 900 801 137

+INFO (Available only in Spanish)


Parque de San Telmo

It is located in the Triana neighborhood next to the San Telmo bus station. It was the historic location of the northern wall of the city and the first dock of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In the park, the Modernist Kiosk, designed in 1923 by Rafael Massanet y Faus, stands out, today an open-air cafeteria; the bandstand, a regular space for the Municipal Music Band; and the Hermitage of San Telmo (18th century) which has one of the most beautiful altarpieces on the island. For families, it houses a large children's play area.

It is located in the Triana neighborhood next to the San Telmo bus station. It was the historic location of the northern wall of the city and the first dock of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

In the park, the Modernist Kiosk, designed in 1923 by Rafael Massanet y Faus, stands out, today an open-air cafeteria; the bandstand, a regular space for the Municipal Music Band; and the Hermitage of San Telmo (18th century) which has one of the most beautiful altarpieces on the island.

For families, it houses a large children's play area.

Event dates
Fri 17, Jan - Thu 06, Mar
users Availability
75 Places
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Museums, exhibitions
Nikola Tesla: The genius of modern electricity

Fri 17, Jan - Thu 06, Mar

Parque de San Telmo
