Esta representación, organizada por la Asociación Dragos y Laurel, evocará el trágico impacto de la epidemia de cólera que devastó Gran Canaria en el verano de 1851. Tres pequeños escenarios permitirán a los espectadores revivir los momentos más desoladores de esta crisis sanitaria, destacando las medidas adoptadas en aquel entonces, como el aislamiento y el cierre de conexiones marítimas. La recreación busca no solo recordar el pasado, sino también fortalecer el vínculo con la identidad cultural canaria.
The Alameda de Colón commemorates the passage of Christopher Columbus through the city on his transatlantic adventure. The square is located in the Triana neighborhood next to the Plaza de Cairasco and the Literary Cabinet and houses the church of San Francisco, which keeps the image of the Virgin of La Soledad, highly venerated among the inhabitants of the city.
Next to the Alameda de Colón, on Domingo Déniz street, there are three buildings of great architectural interest. At number 5, the Casa Civerio Lezcano, which belonged to the estate of the same name and was rebuilt in the 18th century, and at numbers 7 and 9, two buildings from the first half of the 19th century, clear examples of Canarian neoclassicism.
The monument to Columbus, which presides over the square, was designed by Laureano Arroyo around 1892.
Thu 31, Oct , 21:00 - 22:00
Alameda de Colón